
Is Adoption for Me? Adoption could be a great fit if you aren’t sure you’re ready to parent. You will always be a mother, no matter what you decide. Many possibilities allow you to choose the best adoption plan and family for you, your child, and your future. Though adoption can be challenging, it can

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Why Not Consider Parenting? If you’re facing an unexpected pregnancy and considering all your options, parenting may have crossed your mind. Maybe it seems impossible, but parenting is something you should still consider as an option. You are not alone. We’re here for you. You deserve to know what is available to you when considering

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Are You Considering Abortion? When considering abortion as you navigate an unexpected pregnancy, you may want to know the facts. Here are the two different types of abortion procedures, along with the risks: 1. Medical Abortion Only available in the first trimester of pregnancy, medical abortion (the abortion pill) involves two different drugs that work

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